Our Mission

Centreville Child Care’s mission is to provide a learning environment that embraces children’s natural desire to play and supports their holistic development. We believe viewing children holistically means embracing and meeting children’s physical, social, emotional, intellectual and moral needs. Through collaboration with families, we strive to be a place where all children are given every opportunity to flourish!

Our Vision

Centreville Child Care’s vision is to create a centre of excellence within our community. A state-of-the-art facility, top-notch educational materials, prime location and professional staff with an outstanding teamwork mentality.

Our Values

Children- We believe that children are capable, confident and creative human beings, with their own thoughts and opinions that are to be valued.

Families- We believe strong collaboration between home and centre supports children’s growth and development.

Play- We believe children are naturally driven to learn through play.

Community- We believe that children should not live in isolation, but rather grow within a community that enriches their development.

Inclusion- All children are welcomed, accepted and loved.